Scoliosis Treatments

Reach out to Dr. Suzanne Kistner-Davis of Davis Chiropractic for effective scoliosis treatment in Decatur, IL.

What Is Scoliosis?

As your child grows older, you may have concerns about their posture. Upon taking a closer look, you may find that your child is often leaning to one side whenever they are in an upright position. On top of that, you may see that their shoulders, waist, and hips aren’t completely aligned.  The curvature of their back may also be more pronounced.

It’s time to schedule an appointment with a chiropractor if you spot those unusual features in your child’s posture. The physical symptoms you’re seeing are indicators of scoliosis.

For those unaware, scoliosis is characterized by a sideways curve in the spine. Scoliosis can be diagnosed as either structural or nonstructural.

The exact causes of nonstructural scoliosis remain difficult to pin down, but experts agree that it is likely related to genetics. Certain conditions, such as muscle spasms, inflammation, and spinal misalignments, may also be related to the curvature of the spine.

Structural scoliosis can be harder to manage because it may be related to genetic conditions, tumors, spine injuries, and surgery side effects.

Besides affecting a person’s physical appearance, scoliosis can also contribute to chronic back pain. They may also experience breathing troubles.

Scoliosis is not a condition you can afford to ignore. Consult Dr. Kistner-Davis of Davis Chiropractic and arrange scoliosis treatment sessions in Decatur, IL.

How Can a Chiropractor Treat Scoliosis?

Chiropractors are experts when it comes to managing health issues involving the spine. Their knowledge and skills include managing scoliosis.

Your family chiropractor can administer treatments that prevent the curvature of the spine from getting worse. Some curvature may also be reversible.

As we mentioned in the previous section, muscle spasms, inflammation, and spinal misalignments are among the factors that contribute to scoliosis or are derived from it. Your family chiropractor can effectively alleviate symptoms through various non-invasive means, including acupuncture and ultrasound therapy.

We can also teach exercises that strengthen the muscles supporting the spinal column and make breathing easier.

Book scoliosis treatment sessions in Decatur, IL, by calling 217-877-2704 and speaking to Dr. Kistner-Davis of Davis Chiropractic.

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